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Penyetelan celah katup Dozer D 85 SS ( Adjust Valve Clearance )

Penyetelan Celah Katup Dozer D85 SS (adjust valve clearance)

Penyetelan celah katup  adalah bagian dari maintenace dozer D85SS-2. Alat ukur yang digunakan penyetelan celah katup atau adjust valve adalah feller gauge. Cara penyetelan celah katup, dilakukanya penyetelan celah katup salah satu cara agar bisa memaksimalkan umur engine sesuai dengan rekomendasi pabrik. Untuk spesifikasi penyetelan celah katup adalah sebagai berikut.

Keselamatan kerja saat melakukan penyetelan celah katup, pastikan alat atau tool yang digunakan standard dan dalam kondisi layak.

Prosedur Penyetelan Celah Katup Dozer D85SS-2 Komatsu

Cara menyetel celah katup atau untuk adjust valve valve clearance dozer  D 85 SS - 2 serial number 3001 and up dengan langkah - langkah sebagai berikut :

  • Remove the cylinder head cover.
  • Rotate the crankshaft in the normal direction. While wacthing the movement of the intake valve of the no. 6 , bring the no. 1 cylinder into the top dead center position of the compression stroke and align the " 1.6 TOP " mark on vibration damper ( 1 ) with pointer ( 2 ). When the no. 1 cylinder comes near the top dead center of the compression stroke no. 6 intake valve will start to move open.

Penyetelan-celah-katup Dozer D 85 SS ( Adjust Valve Clearance )

penyetelan-celah-katup-Dozer-D-85-SS-( adjust-valve-clearance )

  • Adjust the valve clearance for valves marked in the valve arrangement chart.
Penyetelan celah katup Dozer D 85 SS ( Adjust Valve Clearance )


  • Rotate the crankshaft in the normal direction by one revolution and adjust the valve clearance for the remaining valve marked O. To adjust the valve clearance , loosen lock nut ( 4 ) on adjustmen screw ( 3 ) , insert feeler gauge F corresponding to the special field clearance between crosshead ( 5 ) and rocker arm ( 6 ), and adjust the clearance with the adjustment screw until the thick ness gauge can slide lightly.

Standard valve clearance dozer D85SS-2 Komatsu 
  • intake valve    0,33 mm
  • exhaust valve 0,77 mm



  • After the clearance in properly adjusted, tighten the lock nut to secure the adjustment screw.
     Lock nut :  68,6 Nm ( 7 kgm )



The engine firing order is 1-5-3-6-2-4 , intake and exhaust valve clearance may be adjust for each cylinder in the firing order by rotating the crankshaft 120° at a time in the normal direction 

Sekian tata cara untuk adjust valve clearance dozer D85SS-2 Komatsu , semoga bermanfaat, Terima kasih

sumber : shop manual dozer d85ss-2 Komatsu

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